Out of Hibernation!

Long time, no write. Some sleep. Some travel. And that crazy TL Pandemic!

But here we are, Carlos, Minkie and me – traveling again exploring a few new places, revisiting familiars (some of which are definitely of the magical persuasion), and as always, finding new things to enjoy. Life is great when you’re a Toad…. the world is ever changing, ever entertaining!

Up first: HAMBURG (no ER) State Park, in sorta northwest central GA. It’s a smaller campground, much to our liking, with about 30 campsites, all nicely spaced, and almost all either on the lake, or with a lake view. There’s a grist mill here, trails to wander an a lake to explore, should you so choose. The rent canoes and kayaks for the TwoLeggs, but tadpoles, BEWARE! Alligators are resident here, and no swimming is allowed. Which is fine by me.

Minkie, Carlos and I took a wander and wonder in the woods (note that fine toad alliteration), admiring the local flora and fauna as Minkie stopped to identify plants with her intelligent phone. This has become a new hobby – learning what grows in the area, or flies, or crawls….

Here’s white snake root:

Yep, that’s the very plant that caused milk sickness when those early European settlers came here with their cattle. The cows ate the snake root, passed the toxin into the milk, settlers drank the milk, and, well, some got pretty sick. Some died. It’s what reportedly killed Nancy Todd Lincoln, though I’m not sure I can swear to that fact. The plant root was also used medicinally by the Indians (?), but if I were a TwoLegg, I’d avoid trying it out. It’s pretty though, isn’t it?

We also saw something we think maybe Low Smartweed. A dainty red thing, that was introduced from Asia, and is apparently just a weed here…. Though I gotta tell ya, The Toad tried it and doesn’t feel any smarter…

And that’s it for now, fellow Toadsters. More after we get to the next available spot for writing!

4 thoughts on “Out of Hibernation!

  1. Hurray, on the road again! I am currently in FL, of all places, visiting with sisters in Ft Pierce. I’ll fly home on Tuesday, providing that Ian blowhard doesn’t catch up with me… See you in a couple weeks– Gigi

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